Fixed and Transparent Pricing

*All patient consultations are voluntary with their expressed consent.

Book an online appointment with any
super-specialist doctor, at the same cost

Comprehensive Specialty Consultation


Limited Time Offer

(All inclusive)

Sign up to consult your specialist Existing user Sign In

What’s Included

Your comprehensive video consultation with the healthcare specialist includes:

  • A thorough review of your medical history, symptom assessment, diagnosis, treatment options, risks, prognosis, preventive measures, medication, follow-up plan and patient-centered decision-making.
  • Up to 30 minutes per session.
  • Free access to MedSafeRecords – our secure and HIPAA-compliant medical record storage portal.
  • If your condition requires inputs/consultations from other healthcare professionals, our specialists can collaborate with other experts in our network and facilitate referrals/appointments for you as well.

Important Information

*Please note that you will be able to select your plan and book your appointment in the Telehealth portal after you have successfully signed up and created an account.

*Please note no insurance billing is supported. All major cards accepted for payments.

Quick Text Care and Follow-Up Consultations

Quick follow-ups are also possible through Text Consultation for only US $35, where you can have back and forth with your super specialist for up to three times in one go, through text.


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